Friday, May 28, 2010

Dressed to the Nines!

Sword Play

I like movies with swords. 

No swords in romantic comedies.  No swords in art theater flicks.  No swords in documentaries.  And yet, I don’t like the swords so often used for slicing and dicing in horror films.  Way too over the top!

I like swords used to right the wrongs, to set the matter straight and to seek retribution for the victims of inhumanity and injustice and intolerance.

Here, for example are my favorite sword fighting avengers and scoundrels…

(Internet Images)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Big Oil - A Shot in the Arm

Connotations?  Let me explain.  To combat my childhood allergies, my pediatrician fed me on a steady diet of steroid injections.  I received three shots twice or three times a week.  Must have worked because the day I left home for college, my allergies basically cleared up.  One of the consequences is this…I cannot look at someone else, or at my own arm, when they/I get an injection.  It’s still way too upsetting.

And I cannot stand to look at, read about or think about the great oil spill of 2010.  I just can’t.  This catastrophic event is so terrible that I cannot bring it into focus or into my consciousness.  I am not denying its severity, its impact or its devastating long-range effects.  It’s just too big for little ‘ol me to comprehend.

What follows, blogwise, are four postings using cartoonists to set the record straight.  One image comes from the NY Times and the others were “lifted” from Slate, an on line News and Opinion Daily Magazine.  And those cartoons were collected from many different sources.

I give others the credit for their cartoon summations of the oil-event.  For myself…I am the chooser, editor-in-chief.

Do not enjoy these 4 postings!  I beg you!

The Result of a Catastrophic Oil Policy

The Tragedy of Loss

An Ecological Nightmare

They Killed the Gulf of Cheney


The Tragedy of Loss

Connotations?  Let me explain.  To combat my childhood allergies, my pediatrician fed me on a steady diet of steroid injections.  I received three shots twice or three times a week.  Must have worked because the day I left home for college, my allergies basically cleared up.  One of the consequences is this…I cannot look at someone else, or at my own arm, when they/I get an injection.  It’s still way too upsetting.

And I cannot stand to look at, read about or think about the great oil spill of 2010.  I just can’t.  This catastrophic event is so terrible that I cannot bring it into focus or into my consciousness.  I am not denying its severity, its impact or its devastating long-range effects.  It’s just too big for little ‘ol me to comprehend.

What follows, blogwise, are four postings using cartoonists to set the record straight.  One image comes from the NY Times and the others were “lifted” from Slate, an on line News and Opinion Daily Magazine.  And those cartoons were collected from many different sources.

I give others the credit for their cartoon summations of the oil-event.  For myself…I am the chooser, editor-in-chief.

Do not enjoy these 4 postings!  I beg you!

The Result of a Catastrophic Oil Policy

The Tragedy of Loss

An Ecological Nightmare

They Killed the Gulf of Cheney

An Ecological Nightmare

Connotations?  Let me explain.  To combat my childhood allergies, my pediatrician fed me on a steady diet of steroid injections.  I received three shots twice or three times a week.  Must have worked because the day I left home for college, my allergies basically cleared up.  One of the consequences is this…I cannot look at someone else, or at my own arm, when they/I get an injection.  It's still way too upsetting.

And I cannot stand to look at, read about or think about the great oil spill of 2010.  I just can’t.  This catastrophic event is so terrible that I cannot bring it into focus or into my consciousness.  I am not denying its severity, its impact or its devastating long range effects.  It’s just too big for little ‘ol me to comprehend.

What follows, blogwise, are four postings using cartoonists to set the record straight.  One image comes from the NY Times and the others were “lifted” from Slate, an on line News and Opinion Daily Magazine.  And those cartoons were collected from many different sources.

I give others the credit for their cartoon summations of the oil-event.  For myself…I am the chooser, editor-in-chief.

Do not enjoy these 4 postings!  I beg you!

The Result of a Catastrophic Oil Policy

The Tragedy of Loss

An Ecological Nightmare

They Killed the Gulf of Cheney

They Killed the Gulf of Cheney

Connotations?  Let me explain.  To combat my childhood allergies, my pediatrician fed me on a steady diet of steroid injections.  I received three shots twice or three times a week.  Must have worked because the day I left home for college, my allergies basically cleared up.  One of the consequences is this…I cannot look at someone else, or at my own arm, when they/I get an injection.  It's still after all of these years way too upsetting.

And I cannot stand to look at, read about or think about the great oil spill of 2010.  I just can’t.  This catastrophic event is so terrible that I cannot bring it into focus or into my consciousness.  I am not denying its severity, its impact or its devastating long range effects.  It’s just too big for little ‘ol me to comprehend.

What follows, blogwise, are four postings using cartoonists to set the record straight.  One image comes from the NY Times and the others were “lifted” from Slate, an on line News and Opinion Daily Magazine.  And those cartoons were collected from many different sources.

I give others the credit for their cartoon summations of the oil-event.  For myself…I am the chooser, editor-in-chief.

Do not enjoy these  4 postings!  I beg you!

The Result of a Catastrophic Oil Policy

The Tragedy of Loss

An Ecological Nightmare

They Killed the Gulf of Cheney

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Group Think

The Collective Unconscious

Critical Mass

Mass Hysteria

 The Tea Baggers manifesto?

In conformity to the rule of law

The Moral Majority

The Silent Majority

9 out of 10 people can’t be wrong

The roar of the crowd

The victims were herded…

Party talking points

Student body left

Follow suit

All for one

All praise to the leader

And let us say, Amen

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Human Shields

Ba’ath Party regulars approved Saddam’s use of the small folk to protect bomb-able military and political installations.  We protested, sort of.

Hamas and Hezbolah fired rockets from the rooftops of densely populated apartment buildings.  The Israelis dropped leaflets warning the citizens of the terrorist enclave of airborne dangers.  We protested, sort of…mainly against Israel.

Soldiers and crusaders marching off to war are regarded as human shields protecting the mainland from color (red, brown and yellow) scares and from star and crescent fears.  Send the young ones, those too naïve to know that it’s a one-way ticket to the awaiting virgins.

Whenever we scapegoat another we shield our selves from our own deficiencies, fears, limits and weaknesses. 

And we, too, are shields.  Doing Rush’s work.  Doing Glenn Beck’s work.  Doing big corporation’s work.  Doing the DC lobbyists’ work.

Meanwhile back in the Gulf (either the Persian or of Mexico) sh – t continues to happen.  The Iranian children marching into Iraqi mine fields were shields and the eleven BP oilmen who were blown up recently in pursuit of profits were likewise, human shields.

There will always be human shields because we need them to do god’s work.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Chair Man of the Bored

Like Mars the planet, like red the color, like apple or cherry the fruit…the shape of chair is a classic, a recognizable shape, eternal, the gift of the gods.

Chair means sit, dwell, sojourn, reside, visit and stay for a while.  It means eating, talking, watching, waiting, resting and praying.  It represents civilization, design, art, comfort, decoration and home furnishing.

Chair is for dancing with the bride and the groom while linked by a handkerchief.  It is for balancing in a circus act or for keeping the big cats at bay under the big top tent.  It’s for deskwork, for piloting, studying, computerizing and for haircuts and nail polishing.

Chair is for stability and for comfort, for making a style statement and for expressing a sophisticated side of your self.  It’s for stay at homes and for world travelers.  It’s for tushies.